Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Colors of Autumn

                During fall season plants and trees get ready to struggle with the harshness of winter weather; same as people.  We tend to “change colors” as hard times approaches.  Surviving is an instinct that brings out the best and the not so pretty of our personality.  In life we are bound to encounter moments that will make us change in order to adapt.  Everyone changes as it is part of “growing up”. 
                Autumn is a good time to reflect on the things that are influencing your personality negatively.  Whatever those things might be if we are not able to rid them from our lives we can at least modify them.  Influences are not always negative.  Ponder on how to conserve those which fill your spirit and give you strength to survive a winter storm.  Life is about balance. 
                Also, don’t forget to enjoy the diversity in people as you do the wonderful colors on the leaves.  ;-) 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Your true desires.

Good Morning!

    Soon enough the sun will come out and the whole world will light up to guide your every step.  So get up and get going.  Today is the day you search deep into that part of you that's hidden from everyone else.  The part of you that holds safe your true desires, that's where you should find the to do list for today.

     Dress your best and you'll feel the same.  Put on something different, or paint your nails a bright color, or add on a different taste to the every day coffee.  Be willing to accept the happiness that comes with the unexpected.

    Best wishes to you my friend.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A clear start for summer time.

     Take a moment and feel the heat, the sun is shining, the flowers are in full bloom and the hear the laughter of kids playing outside; it's summer time.  

    Summer usually means lots of action, family activities and fun. No one wants to be left behind cleaning after everyone else all summer. Here are some ideas to get organized and out to enjoy this time of year.

    First let's tackle one task.  You'll see that this one task will lead you to another and before you've realize it, you are done.  

    Classify objects.  Cleaning is like playing the game what belongs where.  Most clutters are made by leaving things where they don't belong.  

    Now that you've gotten into motion let's multitask a little.  Now days everyone is used to multitasking.  Throw some linen on the washer.  Hey, handsome don't give me that look... male or female there are things you have been putting off.  Do them NOW! 

    Cleaning is important, we must shower everyday, wash our hands every chance we get.  And removing dust is an easy and healthy activity.  

    If you still don't know where to start... clear your desk, place everything where it belongs and wipe it clean. That's a start!  

Saturday, July 9, 2011

"Me" Time

   When we hear the term "me time" the image that comes along is one with scented candles, a bubble bath, or a battery operated massager... 

    Really it could consist of any time you dedicate to something you enjoy, and receive the most from it.  For example going to the movies alone, preferable to watch a comedy from which you leave with a stomach ache from laughing so much.  Yoga, a morning jog, gardening, or even shopping for your self, these all work as self relaxers. 

So go ahead and even if it's once a week receive an appointment with yourself!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Stressed out? I don't think so.

Stress is like a silent, malignant, force that destroys you from with in.  If that sentence wasn't graphic enough, think about it...

     Picture a female, smiling, looking up at the sky, taking in the sun.  Do you think she has worries on her mind? She probably does.  Few seconds of breathing in fresh air to cool down, drinking a bottle of water or enjoying a well deserved treat whatever it might be, can serve you better than any anti aging cream.  Stress is consuming us, ruining our relationships with family, friends, and lovers.

     Someone is more likely to find you attractive if you don't look like a wreck.  So, if you were up all day studying for that big test, or spent the morning arguing, your heel broke, you left your cellphone home, or whatever it might be, put on your fave shades, get some glue, or simply take a deep breath.

Remember the world is yours to conquer, but tomorrow is a new day and after follows another.