Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Colors of Autumn

                During fall season plants and trees get ready to struggle with the harshness of winter weather; same as people.  We tend to “change colors” as hard times approaches.  Surviving is an instinct that brings out the best and the not so pretty of our personality.  In life we are bound to encounter moments that will make us change in order to adapt.  Everyone changes as it is part of “growing up”. 
                Autumn is a good time to reflect on the things that are influencing your personality negatively.  Whatever those things might be if we are not able to rid them from our lives we can at least modify them.  Influences are not always negative.  Ponder on how to conserve those which fill your spirit and give you strength to survive a winter storm.  Life is about balance. 
                Also, don’t forget to enjoy the diversity in people as you do the wonderful colors on the leaves.  ;-) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

beautiful words